This blog might seem a little bit deserted lately, after a brief surge of activity in some not-so-distant-yet past. The main reason for this is, as usual, that i’m “busy” with activities in other places; in particular, a lot of blog-like stuff can be found on “micro-blogging” 「0me」 platform (ZeroNet-only link). But let me post a brief update here, as well.
Somehow it’s october already, and after-half of it too. Some of my wandering thoughts are now finding their place in the Ramblings on the Road — the title pretty much says it all, it’s literally me talking on record while walking somewhere. My fictional writing has been looking for more inspiration lately, but i’m sitting on a few few-KW (*) short stories just waiting to be finished, and planing to write a planned out novel in november too.
(*) that’s KiloWords, not power
After a streak of publishing a track per day somewhere in what i refer to as “late summer”, i didn’t have time or energy to work on music as much, but i’m slowly returning there, and might even finish a few albums consecutively since i’m working in several direction as usual.
What’s bothering me a little more is that i’ve returned to the kind of perfectionist state of mind about my video making and there haven’t been an upload in a while, despite i had at least three working ideas, in different stages of completion.
And then there’s “life”.. life’s going on as usual and i’ll cut the so-very-cute-but-overused-metaphors about it. Not that i have to say anything in particular, anyway.
And there you have it, a non-empty blog post out of the blue.
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