and the new album is out . we’ve decided not to cut it into pieces because integrity of listner’s experience is more important than listen counts (they tend to drop significally when you post an hour long track) . i’m really excited about it , and despite all odds of you thinking it’s for posh avant-garde noise listeners – i don’t think so . at its core , it’s about life – not as mundane as one experiences from the first person point of view , but still quite as raw and without electronic effects we’re so used to by now . it might start slow , but – quoting my alternate ego acting as a music guru reviewer – “if you allow yourself to immerse into it in the first five, seven minutes, you will want to stay for the ride and never regret it” .
what i’m not excited about is that i still can’t post it into my 0net music site , so it’s only available on bandcamp for the time being :
give it a listen when you’re ready to give up any other sonic distractions for an hour – however improvised and raw , it’s an intense nuanced experience that can get lost on you if you split your attention too much .
please support me and my dear friend and partner in this crime – share , spread the word , donate , buy merch – wait , that last one has slipped from the future or alternative reality and of course this whole passage is an exception as i’m sure my readers are well aware that we all should support each other whenever possibility arises , not when someone tries to shove it on you .
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