so apparently i’ve released a few albums back when i was hiding mostly
offline and licking wounds. and apparently i’m in a mood to send
another “letter” to my mostly-not-proved-to-exist readers ^_^
(TODO: insert covers, check links)
thus here’s a short (re/over)view of:
[rec!][rec] signifies or simply records the collective improvisational aspect
41 is my 41st published (though not necessarily made whatever that means) album. As if to signify my shift towards live noise-y improvisations, it consists precisely of that; some piano, some acoustic guitar
noice winter after non was made as a live (coding) jam for 1.5 listeners, in the same location as well-known music for no one at dawn vol.1. harsh, electronic noise made out of one-too-many oscillators. mixes well with nature sounds, eccentric drums or some such. Can be tasted on its own just as well 0 now in real winter recorded thoughts in an improvised acoustic gonzo-docu-noise-opera about digital detox. huh, is it not out yet? not my problem, it will likely up soon
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