07 May 2019

Turing completeness trap

In the world of programming languages there’s a concept of Turing tarpit: a language that in theory can be used to express any computation — that is, a Turing-complete (TC) language — but which is utterly unpractical when applied to real world tasks. Numerous examples can be found: languages which were explicitly designed to be “minimal” (brainfuck, unlambda), domain-specific languages which became TC by accident, and even more weird systems which can hardly be called languages at all.

Perhaps, showing any one of these languages should be enough to prove that TC is not a sufficient condition for language to be suitable for general-purpose programming. But a lot of people tend to believe that Turing completeness is a necessary condition. This is not quite so, and in this post i’m going to show why.

First of all, lets start with what TC means — not from a formal standpoint, but in practice. Informally, Turing machine allows running computations which may never finish and not only that, you can never tell whether such computation will at some point finish or not (unless you run it and see that it does halt).

At a first glance, one may think that this ability is completely useless: after all, why would you want something to be unpredictable as that? But there are two usecases which seem to require that property: complex (i.e. you don’t even know whether you can find an answer) task solving with infinite codomain (so you can’t even brute-force them) and interactive applications (including servers, which interact with other software).

Interactive applications are actually quite easy to dismiss: they can easily be seen as always halting on finite input, if you forget specifics of time and simply encode all events as “data + time-stamp” list. Then any useful non-hanging interactive applications can be pure functions with input event list as domain and output event list as codomain. This is kinda what FRP is about.

So what about the other case? On the first glance, it seems like there is little way to prove that all useful task-solving can be expressed without TC. But on the second glance: why would you ever want to run a computation forever? You simply wouldn’t have the time, and at some point you’d likely want to stop. There is no practical difference between running computation for million years and for ever. If for some reason after million years there is someone who wants to continue with it, it suffices to save the results and continue from that point.

And here we come to another point of view on the problem. Namely, that while always-terminating language cannot run all TM computations directly, rich enough language allows for TM emulation. How can this be? Any computation, be it TM or Lambda Calculus (untyped flavour of which is equivalent model for our purposes), proceeds in steps. Every step is, of course, terminating. Then so would be repeating two steps. Or three. Or more; in fact, any finite number of steps would finish in finite (and bounded) time.

To put it into types, if we cannot express

possibly-non-terminating : A
possibly-non-terminating = {!do some TC computation!}

we can still express

compute-n-steps-of : S → ℕ → S ⊎ A
compute-n-steps-of z n = {!do n steps of TC computation from state z ; return new state or computation result if finished!}

where A is desired type, S is a type of computation state, and _⊎_ is Agda’s standard notation for what haskellists know as Either.

And there you have it: you can run any TC computation for any (finite) number of steps. There is no practical reason to demand Turing completeness from a programming language.

Oh, and by the way, after finishing this post i’ve entered “nobody needs turing completeness” into search box and surely enough there was (at least) one result which said what i wanted to, though less verbose.


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